Pura vida.

1.31.2011 - 2.6.2011
Honestly, I don't remember much of this week. I think I ran a couple times though. Maybe some elliptical, too? There must have been an 800 repeat workout in there somewhere.

2.7.2011 - 2.20.2011
These two weeks were basically off... I might have gotten in a couple runs before leaving for Costa Rica on the 9th. I elliptical-ed once in Costa Rica, before being stuck on a sailboat sans exercise facilities. I aqua-jogged once on the boat, but it didn't really work because the pool was shallow and the size of a bathtub.

2.21.2011 - 2.27.2011

Monday: Off. Flying home.

Tuesday: 50 minutes barefoot on the South Field.

Wednesday: 40 minutes barefoot on the South Field.

Thursday: Perhaps 20 minutes of running, 30 minutes of walking.

Friday: Off. UCI visit day.

Saturday: Rossi Relays. Did the 800 for the Sprint Medley. 2:44 (pitiful... but can I really expect any better after spending two weeks engaged in pure gluttony and sloth?)

Sunday: Off.

Sum: ~15 miles.

Will I ever be in shape again?


  1. 10sec off your pr in the 800 isn't bad for being out of shape... especially since it's so dependent on speed work


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