Rickey Gates and Rickety Legs.

Wouldn't it be nice? :

Monday, 10.25
Lorain. 6.25 miles. Felt terrible. At the beginning it was the glutes, which were just super tight like they were a couple weeks ago before all this treatment. Then later the back of the left knee started hurting. :( Abs.

Tuesday, 10.26
1.3 miles tempoish pace (Starting @ Allen and Orlando, R on Cameron, L on Arden, R on Mentor, R on Cornell, ending @ Wilson) 9:30 or something. 4 laps on the NF (480 meters according to Marlyn's Garmin) at race pace. At the start of these I told Susan I didn't think I could do them but she ignored me... or was preoccupied with debating w/ Clara about the wearing of shoes. 1:50, 1:40, 1:40, granny (due to pain and sadness and the feeling that Vivian made me ill). Then the team did 10 run up, jog down on Broad lawn. Annie and I watched.

Currently my right hip/butt is throbbing and when I stand up terrible things happen to my left hamstring. I want my legs back. I want to just give up on XC so that my legs will heal and I can start training for track season. It's not like there's any way in hell that this next race (or these next 2 races, depending on whether we get to go to OR) will be a decent race for me. I mean, I'll run it for the team, since it would be nice to beat Cal Lu. On the bright side, Juliette is running super speedily, Clara, Katja and Marlyn looked good today too, and this lentil soup is pretty OK.

Wednesday, 10.27
Today was a beautiful beautiful day! Rode the Art Center loop. 15 miles. It felt good to be doing physical activity without being either in pain or trapped inside. I alternated between elation and being pissed that I was essentially sitting on my ass. Baby otter captures my latter sentiments.

Thursday, 10.28
(Biked) to RB; 5-4-3-2-1 (minutes) there (almost 2 laps), then back. 10 miles. Felt OK. Intermittent piercing pain in the left gluteus. Back of left knee still swollen. Iced everything then did ultrasound on the knee.

Friday, 10.29
23 minutes biking (pre-race). 7 miles or somethin.

Saturday, 10.30
SCIAC Championships. Nightmarish. Maybe I'll write more later.


  1. Rickety gates and Rickey Legs? :P hey you should ice and things so that we can run up mountains though... and if you would have my company i would like to bike with you sometimes in the off season.


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