Running is not a cure-all.

Especially if your malady is an over-training injury. :-/

Monday, 10.11

Tuesday, 10.12
4x800 at Lacy. 2:53, 2:52, 2:56, 2:57. Went every 5 minutes. The rest of the gals did 6. I quit after 4.5 due to lack of mental fortitude. Also my butt hurt. Got a ride back from Susan and cooled down on the bike. I was really impressed with Marlyn and Katie today. Marlyn ran the first 5 in sub-3:10 (or nearly) and Katie ran all 5 of hers in the 3:20's (sat out on one due to lightheadedness. It was hot). I'm excited to see what they do at Multis.

Wednesday, 10.13
Last night I couldn't sleep because my ass hurt like hell. Once again I've OD-ed on coffee and I'm feeling super ADHD. Ice, stationary bike (31 minutes/10 miles), abs, ice. La di da.

Thursday, 10.14
5-4-3-2-1 (minutes) @ Lacy. Ran with Juliette for most of it, Marlyn joined us for the 2-1. Ranged from 6:40/mile pace to 5:53/mile pace (4 was faster than 3 though. Might have had something to do with elevation). Felt OK. Had to kind of hobble back though. ~5 miles today.

Friday, 10.15
Pre-race, which I ran(!) because I wasn't feeling too bad. To Smadre on Lombardy, back on Orlando. Stopped to do striders on the hill on Orlando east of Cameron. Susan's idea, since La Mirada has a lot of little hills. Supposed to accelerate up the hill and keep going at max speed for like... 15 strides on the flat part. Hurt my glutes. 3 miles.

Saturday, 10.16
Multi-Duals! We had the biggest Caltech cheering section ever (at least in my experience). The entire women's basketball team, along with Coach Marbut, the Keeleys, Mandy, and Stephen Hinkle. We just needed the beaver! Also, we had a season record number of women racing, 9 in fact (Me, Juliette, Katja, Clara, Marlyn, Katie, Annie, Vivian, and Nandini). Awesome day. Highlights: Juliette (!) (more below); Vivian PRed by 56 seconds; Katie ran her first 6k sub-30; Dennis season PR-ed by 40ish seconds (epic finish battling with Andy).

My race: I was feeling pretty OK on the warm-up (except on the hills). Went out with the front pack, which seemed to have gotten a slow start. First 1.5 miles breezed by, except the little hills slowed me down (like, when I got to a hill I suddenly felt like I couldn't move...). The steep wall-like hill defeated me, and I don't think I ever really recovered from it. Shortly thereafter Juliette caught up to me and we ran together for a bit. Probably with about a mile left, when we were alongside the lake and had to dodge some geese (shakes fist at geese), I said something like "Go get 'em, Juliette" and off she went. I should have probably said "Let's go get 'em, Juliette" because then maybe I would have tried to go with her instead of resigning to chilling out. Anywho, she ran an impressive last mile and ended up placing 10th with a time of 23:08.25 (crushing the school record--the one I set 2 weeks ago--by nearly a minute). I trotted my way to the finish to place 15th in 23:20.17 (47 second PR!). My goals were to (1) go with people who pass me (tried a little but overall failed); (2) beat Dot (lost to her by 3 seconds); and (3) ignore the pain in my butt/don't let it get to my head (kind of sort of... I think I let the hills get to my head though). So, I didn't really accomplish any of my goals, but I'm still pretty content with my race. Hopefully in the next couple weeks I can get my butt to near-normal condition and I can rock out at SCIACs. Prado is slow though.
