All good things must come to an end.

Spartaca Cavy (August 2006 - October 2010). Your cheerful squeaks will be missed in the Wuerth household.

Monday, 10.4
Lorain, back on St Albans. 6.5 miles. 52 minutes.

Tuesday, 10.5
6x8oom at Garfield (actually 784m according to Marlyn's watch). This one was supposed to be 7 800's but I didn't run the last one due to pain in the glutes. Ran the first 3 with Juliette (2:59, 2:59, 3:03) then the next three with Clara and/or Marlyn and/or Susan (3:11-3:13 for those). Juliette stayed really consistent for all 7. Maybe her epic 12.5-mile run at 7:03/mile pace yesterday gave her a confidence boost? After the workout I got a ride back to campus from Susan's mom, which was nice. More on the injury tomorrow after I talk to Andres.

Wednesday, 10.6
41 minutes (12.1 miles) stationary bike. Ahhhhhhh so boring. Iced and stretched before. Abs after, then more ice. Andres says I should take a few days off from running. He seemed to indicate that I wouldn't run until next week, but I don't really know. It's just inflamed gluteus medius/maximus/minimus. (Gluteus medius/minimus muscle syndrome) I'm dreaming of having my legs back...

Thursday, 10.7
Elliptical: 10 on, 3 off, 8 on, 3 off, 6 on. Elliptical bothered the glutes slightly more than the bike. Tomorrow I'll probably go back to the bike. Iced and stretched before and after.

Friday, 10.8
Andres let me run today! 43 minutes, to the end of Lombardy and back, with the gang. Not Keeley and the gang though, just the gang. ;-)
Andres wanted me to try an easy run to "see where I'm at" (in my normal place?). It felt terrible! Before all this icing and time off from running, when I would start running everything was so tight that I couldn't move naturally. Now I can move, but there's this dull painful sort of pain in my butt (like everywhere, on both sides). It seems to indicate that I shouldn't run. Worst at the beginning, slightly better as the run progressed. Andres says if I'm sore tomorrow I should take the day completely off, but I feel like I'll bike regardless.

Saturday, 10.9
Rose Bowl tempo(?) on the QA. Warmed up getting there, 3 5k loops at a pace that felt like I was working (9:50/9:30/9:10), then 1 slow before watching the ladies finish. (Juliette 19:37, so jealous... I've never broken 20 @ the RB). Butt hurt from time to time, usually because I stood up. A beautiful day for a ride. 20 miles.

Sunday, 10.10

Week total: 17.5 + 32 bike + 5 elliptical


  1. i am sorry about spartaca. and i hope all goes well tomorrow (the talking to andres i mean). and i am sorry for being moody sometimes. and your cookies smell good. i think that's all.

  2. oh noes... I send my condolences for your butt and your hamster :(. rest and recover swiftly! xxx

  3. ! I actually was thinking about that on my walk back to central from KB yesterday, and I realized that it was a guinea pig. For some reason, that realization made me chuckle (out loud) and have this silly grin on my face as I was crossing the street, so elicited a strange look from the person that I was passing at that moment. She probably thought I was a crazy person or laughing at her. Cool story, huh? :).

  4. you know, every time you type "KB" i think of katherine breeden. :/ also i feel like i am always chuckling to myself. this probably contributes to everyone thinking i'm a crazy person. =_= i think i elliptical on the ball of my foot though.

  5. hahaha it's fine, you'll probably never see that person again...

    i too used to think of kb when i thought of kb. i think that makes sense.


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