
7.18.2011 - 7.24.2011

Off. This is embarrassing to admit, but umm... I couldn't really walk very well after the 14er yesterday... It was mostly the quads. Reminded me of 2009, after the Malibu Creek race with C. Eng. Only this time I didn't go on a run the next day. :-P

Tuesday: Off from running etc., but I put in 4 solid hours of work at Michael's property, mostly moving limbs around. Consolidating limbs into piles for 4 hours may sound boring, but I actually quite enjoyed it. I felt like I was honing my javelin skills. Which may or may not be mad before this is over... Also: first use of hacksaw! Kind of fun.

Wednesday: Off again, but 5 hours of work at Michael's. Again mostly moving limbs. Also moved some huge logs (like a beast). Predicting moderate to severe soreness of back and shoulders tomorrow.

Thursday and Friday: Off. I don't know what's wrong with me... I think I might have been helping Michael at least one of these days. Probably Friday. Worked Thursday.

Saturday: Ran! Up Twin Sisters Trail, which is 3.7 miles up, and 3.7 miles down. Parked a ways down from the trailhead, so we'll call this 8 miles. With about a mile to the summit, it was a steep boulder field, so pretty much just walked that part, both up and down, but I'm still logging 8 miles...

Sunday: Off. I need to be a better person.

Sum: 4 days working in the yard, 1 day running (~8 miles)...


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