Return of the spandex.

The foot injury set me back a bit, but it also forced me to start riding again, which has been pretty fantastic. Goal: Tanlines like these (me, last summer after The Tour):

7.4.2011 - 7.10.2011

Monday - Tuesday: Off. Trying to stay off the foot, which is quite pained.

Wednesday: 3 miles on Picture Rock trail, at dusk, after gluttony at the Boulder Farmers' Market... foot bothered, especially if running on toes, which seems to happen when I run uphill.

Thursday: First bike ride in CO! I only had about 2 hours before the thunderstorms were supposed to set in, so I was only able to ride up Highway 7 for 10 miles before turning back (1885 feet gained, 88 minutes total for the 20 miles.)

Friday-Sunday: Off. Something to do with sleeping in past the time of no storms.

Sum: 3 miles run + (20 bike)


Monday: Biked up to Michael's property on Long's Peak. Took about 2h 45m to ride 25 miles... heh. But it was quite a lot of climbing--4544 feet, to be precise. And that was just to Mills Moraine and Long's Peak Drive. I turned off my Garmin at that point because I thought I was going to have to walk my bike up to Michael's lot, since the road is dirt and gravel. But after a bit of walking I was able to ride, as the dirt got nice and smooth. This was a nice ride. Maybe sometime I'll bike up to the Long's Peak trailhead and hike or run for a bit. Garmin Link.

Tuesday: Ran today because I didn't think I had time for a ride before the storms were to kick in. 8.1 miles in Heil Valley Ranch. My foot was feeling much better at the beginning of this run, but was quite peeved at the end. It was nice to actually get somewhere on this trail, though. It gets prettier further in! And I made it to a landmark: some old rusty abandoned car. Woot.

Wednesday: Off. Got some stuff done though. And work. Good tips for a Wednesday night.

Thursday: For some reason last night I just couldn't fall asleep. Perhaps it had to do with my anticipation of the final Harry Potter film coming out (I'm going to the midnight premiere tonight!) Anywho, around 6AM I finally gave up trying to sleep and decided to go for a bike ride. It was really great getting an early start, though I was pretty exhausted for much of the ride. I rode down towards Boulder, then took Lefthand Canyon up to Ward (LHC is a beautiful road... the first bit was really cool and shady and moist... and a gradual incline... closer to Ward it became really steep, but I wasn't really in a hurry. My only complaint with this road is that some bits were caked in mud and/or gravel. I would have to be really cautious if I chose to descend on LHC). In Ward LHC meets up with the Peak to Peak Highway, which is a famous scenic drive or something. It was quite beautiful, with views of the snow-sprinkled Rockies as well as down into Lefthand Canyon. Took Peak to Peak to Highway 7, and was once more in familiar territory. Descending on Peak to Peak and 7 is really nice for someone like me who is terrified of descending. Not too windy, nice and smooth. Awesome ride altogether. 48.5 miles, 4529 feet gained. Garmin Link.

Friday: 36 minutes at Hall Ranch (2nd nearest trailhead to home), on the Nighthawk Trail. Didn't have much time before work, so didn't get much running done. Pretty slow. I'll round down to 3 miles. For some reason I was even more terrified of being attacked by a mountain lion today than I have been in the past.

Saturday: Off. Was meaning to get up and run with BTRBC, but failed. Oh well. I should probably be staying off the foot anyway.

Sunday: Hiked my first 14er! Mount Belford, with Michael, Jordan and co. (Mike, Derek, and Adrienne). This involved Michael and I leaving Lyons at 3:30 AM (after literally no sleep) to meet them in Boulder, then driving out to Mt Belford (20 miles past Leadville), arriving at the trailhead at 7:30. It would have been ideal to be able to get started about 2 hours sooner, because then we could have hiked Oxford as well (killing two 14-ers in one outing) before the ominous dark clouds threatened. I think the hike up was something like 4200' in 4.4 miles, but I'm not positive on that (the technology is failing...). Shared a flask of Maker's and some Ranger IPA's at the top. ("Pack it in, Pack it out!"). Jordan, Mike and I "ran" the steep bit down from the summit for about a mile before deciding that it was unnecessary and life-threatening. Foot hurt a bit on the way down, but nothing too bad. So so so exhausted after it all... back to the car a little before 3, back home around 7:30PM. Long day. Here's some eye candy for your viewing pleasure:

Me on the trail, before it became ridiculously steep and rocky.
Me, Michael, and a cold one hidden behind my hat at the summit:

Sum: Run 11, Bike 74, Hike 9.


  1. Hey, sounds like you've been having some good riding! It sounds like CO is gorgeous (much like yourself). :P Anyways, good goal. Though you cropped me out I believe. Ahem. Anyways, enjoy the hike, kid.

  2. Also I like the new layout. I think I already mentioned this though.

  3. Thank you! I cropped you out because I didn't know if you would be OK with me publicly posting much of your legs on the internet. Because I tried to find this pic on facebook and it wasn't there, so I assumed you were not a fan of it being publicized. However, you did put it in our slideshow, so I didn't quite know what to think.

  4. Oh. I don't mind. I don't know. There were just so many of them! The leg photos, I mean...


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