Res Severa Verum Gaudia.

That's "To be serious is the greatest joy," the motto of Gustav Mahler, former conductor at the Vienna State Opera House. This motto was adopted by Mark Wetmore, head xc and t&f coach for CU Boulder. "What joy is there in being cavalier about your life or your endeavors? You should take your life, your joy, your endeavors, seriously," says Wetmore. I read this in "Running with the Buffaloes," a book that has both inspired and depressed me. It has inspired me because of the Wetmore/Lydiard system's belief that if you put in enough miles and intensity, you will succeed. Also, it's kind of cool to read this epic account of a group of runners who lived and trained a few miles down the road. (I'm excited to try out the runs they talk about in the book for myself.) On the other hand, it has to some extent depressed me to read about the ridiculousness of Adam Goucher. What. A. Beast.

Anywho, it's time to get serious. This decision was reached for a few reasons: (a) the book, (b) my increasingly large beer belly, (c) I don't want to let Girls Heart Rockets down at the Red Rock Relay (6 weeks from Friday), and (d) PC has started running regularly again, or so it seems.

Goal for this week: 30 miles (Gasp!)
Fun fact: The last time I ran 30+ miles was the week of September 27, 2010.
Funner fact: This week one year ago was my biggest weekly mileage in recorded history, 56.9 miles. "Not a small number." Ahh, to reminisce of the days when I was a runner...

7.25.2011 - 7.31.2011

Monday: Ran on the Long's Peak trail for a bit. Made it to the tree line, then went about 5 minutes more before turning back (it's not a great idea to be above the tree line in the late afternoon when dark clouds are about). 40 minutes up, 24 minutes down. Looking at the map made me think I went about 5.3 miles today. Next time I run up here I want to make it to Chasm Lake, which should make for an 8.4 mile run.

Tuesday: Heil Valley, to the old car again. A fairly cool evening. Felt pretty OK, except for mild pain in the back of my left knee, and on top of my right foot. I noticed from the get-go that I was moving more rapidly than I have in the past on this trail (though still pretty slowly). 41 minutes out (10:15/mile), 35:30 back (8:53/mile), making 9:34 average for the 8 miles. (Note: I really think the Garmin underestimates mileage when it's a windy trail, judging from the route outlined on the map from last time I ran this.) Last time I ran this it was 10:13/mile on average. Yay for improvement. 8 miles today.

Wednesday: "Run" to Chasm Lake! Garmin Link. The satellite signal must have been off at the start, so this "run" was probably actually 8.2 miles. Painfully slow, but worth it:

Second stream crossing bridge thing (you can see the first in the background):

Past the tree line; View of Long's in the distance:

Snow! It's almost August and there's still SNOW!!!

I take a break in a hole in the snow.
And have a snack?
Clouds I'm afraid of.
The destination: Chasm Lake.

And then I went down after a brief break. Because of those scary clouds a'brewin'.

Thursday - Friday: Off. Don't really know why. Just bein' lazy...

Saturday: Heil Valley, to the old car (8 miles). Stopped at the Lyons High School track on the way back for (1) a much-needed sprinkler shower (I ran at 2pm in 90 degree heat...) and (2) a barefoot mile in lane -1. Tried to get the legs moving a bit faster than they have been of late, but not too fast. 8:15, which corrects to something like 7:30 at sea level? 30.5 miles so far this week! So tomorrow I can hike or bike if I feel like it...

Sunday: Hike with Michael. We chose a really terrible trail. And it was miserably hot. I think we were planning on 5 miles or so, but only went 2.

Sum: 30.5 miles.


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