There's a ton of the twist, but we're fresh out of shout.

6.27.2011 - 7.3.2011
Some rocks and a view:
Michael, on the trail:
Tuesday: First night of work at Ma's! Only worked ~4:30-6pm, so had time for a quick run afterwards: 3.66 miles. First up that steep hill near the start of Picture Rock trail, then on Picture Rock for a bit.

Wednesday: Worked 10am-3pm, then maybe went for a run? I think I must have... Yeah, I think I ran on Picture Rock for about 50 minutes... because I think this is the day I broke my iPod from sweating a lot. 5 miles perhaps? (Didn't wear the Garmin, obviously).

Thursday: Hid from the world today. It was storming and there were forest fires. Oh my!

Friday: Hiked a bit with Michael. First we did maybe a mile at Wild Basin, then up Twin Sisters for about 4.5 miles.
Michael and some waterfall at Wild Basin:
I block the view with my insistence on a jumping photo:
The Twin Sisters Trail, all mystical-like:
View of Long's Peak from Twin Sisters:

Saturday: Fern Lake. 12.6 miles. Ran this with the Boulder Trail Running Breakfast Club. There were 10 of us who showed up, including Jordan from GHR (who is in crazy good shape and is running the Sinister 7 next weekend.) The group was of varying abilities, with most resorting to walking during the steep bits. It was pretty awesome to see some snow and to slide down it on my bum. This run definitely wore me out, but in a good way. I might have messed up my foot a bit on the rocks. We'll see how it feels tomorrow. Breakfast in Estes Park at Claire's. Yum-o!
Group shot before the run:
(Jordan, Scott, Ed, Kristin, Henry, Nicole, Marc, Clelyn, Alfred, and Me)
After a bit of climbing, this waterfall offered us some fantastic, cooling mist:
A stream crossing. Doesn't the girl in front remind you of KB?
The snow eventually obscured the trail to the extent that we had to turn back:

Sunday: Off. My right foot is still pretty peeved. Also the ankle is a bit agitated. Hopefully it will be better tomorrow! Please please please don't be fractured...

Sum: 11 hike + 21 run


  1. I hope the foot and ankle are holding up... Awesome photos! And keep up the running. :)


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