I'd like to build the world a home, and furnish it with love.

Apparently I'm the poster girl for the PCC 5k. Flattering...

Monday, 6.7

Rosemead, 6.1 miles, slowly (no watch). I was planning to take today off, but then when I woke up the weather beckoned me (cool, cloudy). By the time I actually started running, however, it was hot and sunny. And the top of my right foot hurt, like, significantly (4/10). In other news, there's a fig tree on Calfornia--overhanging the sidewalk (which means it's totally legal to take fruit from it). Ripen figs, ripen!

Tomorrow is definitely going to be off. Off writing 4 papers. Or rather, 2 and 2 halves.

Tuesday, 6.8
Off. Slipped 4 mediocre papers under Gilmartin's door at 7:15 PM. Done with term/Junior year!

Wednesday, 6.9
Huntington, back on St Albans with Ryan, followed by some Huevos Rancheros (and Ryan hit the jackpot with some moldly Odwalla juice. I think if he sends in a photo and a dissatisfied letter he'll get some free juice.). 5.2 miles, 40 minutes. Good run, except for the fact that my foot was quite unhappy. I self-diagnosed myself with a metatarsal stress fracture of some sort because everything seems to fit. But self-diagnosis on the internet is a dangerous game (and I don't quite like the diagnosis), so I'm going to see a medical professional about this. I'm really scared. Also I've been sleeping all day. And now it's time for some Scotch and food pairing at Mannion's.

Some days aren't yours at all. They come and go like someone else's days.

Thursday, 6.10
Biked Chantry, to the helipad, with Clara Sclera. Stopped at Lucky's in Sierra Madre on the way back... had a pint of Spaten (some sort of dark variety) and some crumpets. Coming back I decided that buzzed cycling is the best cycling. PS I think I'm an alcoholic. :-/

Friday, 6.11
47 minutes (5.5 miles?) barefoot on the North Field with Clara. Ian joined us for the last 15 minutes or so. No notable foot pain. Did some drills after (reluctantly). Felt pretty OK. But I think I'm gonna be sore tomorrow from moving.

Saturday, 6.12
Indeed I'm sore. Biked to the San Gabriel River trail and up the 39 a bit with Clara and Perrin. Stopped at In n out on the way back. Best burger I've ever had. Maybe. ~30 (windy) miles. Two more days till Germany!

Sunday, 6.13
Off? Yeah probably. I don't remember doing anything.

Week total: 16.8 miles + (~55 miles biking)


  1. Don't have a stress fracture please. :( This summer is supposed to be awesome. Besides, I wanted to see you rock out in the XC 5K next season!

  2. Also! Here you are again...

  3. Holy crap, you are definitely totally locally famous! Also, that old guy in the background with the chartreuse shorts is Scott's nemesis (seriously).


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