If you left it up to me, every day would be a holiday from real.

Monday, 5.31
Off. Still in Vegas. I witnessed something really beautiful today. The most beautiful thing I've ever seen. I think it's called love.

Tuesday, 6.1
Off. Hmm what did I do today? I think I slept until like... 2PM. Then I had some soup and watched TV. Then I went to a review session thingy. Then I got keys to my new place. Then I went to Daisymint. Then I was like "shit... class started an hour ago." Then I went to class an hour late. Then I... I... I... I don't know. I probably went to sleep again. I hope no one's reading this.

Wednesday, 6.2
Bailey Canyon Trail. I thought it reached a saddle or something eventually but it NEVER DID. I ran (/walked) for like... an hour before giving up and turning back. Probably 90 minutes of running. I'll call it 8 miles. Super sore the next day. Mainly my butt. Oh, and upper body. I moved some boxes.

Thursday, 6.3
Upper Arroyo with Clara, back on Aquatic Center trails. 65 minutes. 7.3 miles. Left my shirt in Singer Park...

Friday, 6.4
Ran Lacy Extra Long with Perrin. Coming back at Arden and Oak Grove we saw Julian and Clara. I joined them for their run. In total, my run was about 9 miles. 77 minutes. I think the part w/ Julian and Clara pulled the average speed up, especially after turning onto Oxford. Oh and the catching up to them was quite brisk. I mean, I was "sprinting." Felt pretty OK today.

Saturday, 6.5
43 minutes barefoot on the NF with Clara. Felt good. Maybe still a little drunk though... oh and abs. I think last night inspired me to get abs.

Sunday, 6.6
Water tower + Lower Arroyo. 9.3 miles. 84 minutes. I decided to be awesome and run at 2PM. It was hot. Legs were tired. Meh. Oh but the good news is I found my shirt in Singer Park. I quite like that shirt.

Week total: 38.6 miles.


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