The stars are so big. I am so small. Do I stand a chance?

Monday, 10.18
5 minutes running, 45 minutes stationary bike (13 miles). I was so excited to run! And then I started running, and it wasn't very pleasant, so I pulled a 180. This time it was almost entirely the left medius.

Tuesday, 10.19
Felt pretty good today (as in I was able to run the workout, not as in I felt good running the workout). Maybe it was the ibuprofen. My quads were sore though--from stationary? Weird.
Ran to California and Sierra Madre and ran a mile toward Huntington, on the sidewalk/road and downhill. Stopped when my Garmin said we'd gone a mile, which was a few meters into the parking lot before Huntington. Smoked that in 5:37. Then we did 6x (90 seconds on, 60 seconds off) on the Huntington median. This was difficult. Should have been doing 400m for each but they ended up being .26, .26, .25, .21, .23, .23, so only the first 3 were on pace. Meh. Oh well. 6 miles today.

Wednesday, 10.20
45 minutes elliptical + 5 minutes running. Left hamstring sore. Iced that along with the glutes after. Abz.

Thursday, 10.21
(2 on, 1 off)x10 at Lacy. Mostly w/ Juliette. The first 3 were supposed to be race pace (6k). The next 3 @5k pace, and the last 4 hard. The last one was going up the Virginia hill. Died on it. 6 miles today. The back of my left knee hurt pretty badly. Andres looked at it and said the area where my hamstring and calf meet is pretty swollen. Iced that along with the butt (center and both sides) and left hamstring. I'm starting to look like Annie with all these ice bags.

Friday, 10.22
Off. Watson Interview followed by geo field trip departure. Snagged a campus nom. :-)
Nom nom nom.

Saturday, 10.23
Off. Walking around looking at rocks. ROCKS!

Sunday, 10.24
Still looking at rocks. These rocks were even more awesome than yesterday's.

Week total: 13 miles running + 13 miles cycling + 45 minutes elliptical + walking a bit
