More cowbell!

Monday, 9.27
PM: Lower Arroyo. 7 miles. Record high (110 degF or something); felt terrible.

Tuesday, 9.28
AM: 3x1600, 1x800. 6:22, 6:22, 6:20, 2:53. Everything was really tight, comme d'habitude. Moving was difficult. 6 miles today.

Wednesday, 9.29
Tu Madre. 45 minutes. 5.7 miles. Out slow, allowing legs to warm up. Back kind of speedily with Juliette. Core (10 minutes).

Thursday, 9.30
10 on, 5 off, 10 on at Lacy. Legs again reluctant to move. Argggggggh. Want legs back. Almost finished the 800m+1000m+800m series each time, so probably 1.6 miles for each. 6 miles.

Friday, 10.1
Prerace to Sierra Madre and back. 3 miles. 6 striders. Core (6 minutes).

Saturday, 10.2
PP Invite. First 6k of the season. 43/169. 13th SCIAC runner (CMS A and B teams weren't there though, so that's like... 8-10 more people who would have been ahead of me). 24:07.1 (36 second PR). I'm OK with the time but it was a huge surprise because I felt like I was barely moving. Overall, I'm pretty unhappy with my race. My legs were still really tight and I let it get to my head. Also I was sad when the Redlands girls passed me. I should have gone with them but instead I moped. Mopey mope moped. Unfortunately the chickens weren't cheering for me (I blame them partially).

The team did pretty well, though! We beat CLU! By one point. Thanks in large part to Clara busting out a 26:16. Both Clara and Marlyn beat CLU's 5th runner when neither did at Riverside, so that's pretty ballin'.

Oh hey I figured out what the big fluffy chicken was at PP. It was a SILKIE! Silkies are pretty awesome. They have blue flesh.

Sunday, 10.3
Off. Shit. Term started?

Week total: ~34 miles.


  1. Holy shit, I'm can't wait to hear about what your race is like when you feel awesome during it!! That PR seems pretty okay, though.. give the heat and dead legs :). sweeeet! Keep it up :).

  2. *I can't wait (I'm so excited that grammar is eluding me!) lol


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