4.16.2012 - 4.22.2012
4 runs this week: 4 miles (Andesite), 6 miles (down Big Owl Rd from Michael's cabin, to Blue Jay and back), 8 miles (Picture Rock), and 31 miles (a failed attempt at running from Lyons to the cabin). The 31-miler was pretty slow, and involved some walking and a lot of getting lost. But I think I know how to successfully run from Lyons to Longs now. (Sum: 49 miles)

4.23.2012 - 4.29.2012
No running this week except Saturday, when I attempted to run the 50k of the Cheyenne Mountain Trail Run down near Colorado Springs. At about mile 5, I fell on some rocks and banged up my knee a little. It didn't start bothering me until a couple miles later, at which point I was afraid I could injure it badly if I did the second half of the race. Or possibly I was just looking for an excuse to quit. At least I learned a thing or two about trail ultras: (1) take a shit ton of ibuprofen as soon as possible after falling or twisting something; (2) take a shit ton of ibuprofen even if you don't fall or twist something; (3) eat as much as you can at all the aid stations; (4) carry water and snacks with you. These things are provided at aid stations, but this requires you to stop at the aid stations to snack and wash down the food. Carrying with saves some time because you can snack/drink while moving, and more frequently; (5) there is a good chance that you will be lonely for most of the race. Be prepared for that; (6) power walk the steep hills (if at altitude) even when you feel like you can run them. I think that's about it. One of these days, I'll run an ultra. I must. (Sum: 16 miles, rounding up because Michael and I ran from Coors Events Center to East Campus after Obama's speech.)
