Smoking hot.

This was the first week of preseason, and it was quite toasty out. Also, the air was pretty terrible. There were raging wildfires north of Azusa and La Canada. Pictured on the left is the one in La Canada as seen from the 8th floor of Millikan Thursday night. By Sunday, the Azusa fire was 95% contained while the other was only 5% contained and had scorched 55 square miles.

Monday, 8.24


Tuesday, 8.25
~6.5 miles on the Rose Bowl trail with Ian and Kangway. Started at the southeast corner, ran up the east side to "Johnson's Rock" and back on the west end. 52 minutes.

Wednesday, 8.26
Huntington with the team. 4.9 miles, easyish pace.

Thursday, 8.27
AM: 50 minutes in the Arroyo. 15 minutes easy, 20 minutes hard, 15 minutes easy. ~6 miles.
PM: 15 minutes barefoot on North Field. 1.5 miles? Abs and stretching.

Friday, 8.28
AM: Something like Huntington backwards. The rest of the team ran Lorain but I was late... and my right hip/butt didn't feel very good so I opted into a shorter, grassier route. Smoky air. 5.3 miles, 44 minutes. I think the air has really gotten to me. My eyes are all bloodshot and my throat is scratchy and I have a perpetual headache. Between morning and afternoon practices I took a huge nap in the comfort of an air-conditioned room and felt much better. (But I got no work done...)
PM: Inside, thank God. Core strengthening with medicine ball and such, softball massaging, weights. I should invest in a softball.

Saturday, 8.29
Tempo run at the Arroyo. This loop is about 2500 meters, I believe. We ran one as a warm-up, 2 as a tempo run, then ~half of one to cool down, so ~5.5 miles total. My time for the tempo was 21:00 (respectable). I wish I could have hung onto Susan, though. The smoke in the air was somewhat bothersome, especially on the second lap of the tempo. Iced in the whirlpool all the way up to my hips! I've never done that before. It was surprisingly tolerable. Cupcakes + Swiss oatmeal afterward. Mmmm...

Sunday, 8.30
Huntington with Clara, back on Virginia/stairs. 4.9 miles easy. I'm happy to have Clara around again.

Week total: 34.6 miles.
