The week before preseason.

I'm starting a running log because it seems like a good idea. Motivating and such.

This summer has been quite nice. I was training for the Wild West Relay, which was August 7-8. The team I ran with, Girls Heart Rockets, came in first in the all women category, which was pretty sweet, especially since most of us are flatlanders.

Preseason begins this week. I'll be running with the team until I leave for Scotland on September 10. Hopefully I'll be able to handle all of the speedy stuff. I got three nice runs in last week: Lake Michigan, Brown Mountain, and Patrician. My mileage was a little under what I wanted it to be, probably because I took 2 days off.

Monday, 8.17
An hour of erratic pace along Lake Michigan in Chicago with Kangway. Foggy, rainy, fantastic--except for the being drenched in sweat and rain, and nose blood in the case of Kangway. ~7.5 miles.

Tuesday, 8.18

Wednesday, 8.19
~4.5 miles easy with Kangway. ~2.5 were barefoot on the South Field.

Thursday, 8.20

Friday, 8.21

Brown Mountain loop from the parking lot on Windsor (plus a little extra at the end) with Susan and Justine. Did not feel fantastic either from sleep deprivation or from not quite being recovered after WWR (which was 2 weeks ago). ~10 miles.

Saturday, 8.22
45 minutes on the South Field with Kangway. ~5.5 miles.

Sunday, 8.23
with Susan. ~80 minutes, 10.1 miles.

Week total: ~37.6 miles.
