Monday, 12.6
Tried running. Made it 3 miles before giving up due to calf pain. Topped that off with a bike ride. 3 + (25) miles today.

Tuesday, 12.7
Ran to the gym, once around South Field, 40 minutes on the stationary bike (at fairly high intensity), ran back. 1.5 + (13) miles.

Wednesday, 12.8
Calf seemed almost normal whilst jogging round the block (0.3 mi), so decided to live on the edge. Brown Mountain with Clara. 7.12 miles, according to the technology. I'm not sure how accurate it is on the way down with all the turns and whatnot, but it's probably only 7.5 miles max. took 67:30, which I think is a little more briskly than in times past, but I'll have to check on that.

Thursday, 12.9
To the North Field and around a bit, in Vibrams. The North Field was closed and there were those blue and white fertilizer bits in it. After a short while they were in my shoes peeving me. 3 miles, 8:52 pace.

Friday, 12.10
Off. Spreading the love, preparing for HK, and what-have-you. 1/6 apps.

Saturday, 12.11
Was planning on this being an off day, since we left for LAX pretty early to embark on our journey to Hong Kong... but then the flight was overbooked and we volunteered to fly tomorrow instead ($600 voucher w/ Delta! + change in itinerary to stay a couple days in Tokyo = Win). Ran 4.3 miles (out to San Gabriel on Lombardy, back on San Pasqual).

Sunday, 12.12
I suspect to be off.

Week total: 19.3 + (38) miles.


  1. whoa, you changed the format! I like :). I want to run brown mountain!


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