The last week.

Saying goodbye to California, for now.

6.13.2011 - 6.19.2011

Monday: 5 miles. Lacy Long, back on Mentor/Catalina with Clara. A bit tired after crazy German lady and museum, but we made it through. Wore the Asics for the first time in a while.

Tuesday: Off.

Wednesday: Echo Mountain with Clara. 5 miles.

Thursday: Off. Lots of packing/moving.

Friday: Off.

Saturday: 47 minutes in Eaton Canyon with Clara. (Also moved a lot of stuff in the morning... back and butt are so so very sore!) 5 miles.

Sunday: 50 minutes in Eaton Canyon with Clara and Anton. We got significantly farther than yesterday. 5.5 miles?

Sum: 20.5 miles. (+ moving...)
