Registered! And a little concerned.

So, it's official--I'm running a marathon in February. February 5th, the Surf City Marathon in Huntington Beach. Wowza. Time to build my base up! (Note: that did not happen this week ;-) )

Also: I finally analyzed my leg assignments for RRR, which is in less than 2 weeks now (gasp!). My first leg is 2.3 miles "hard" in which I climb about 1000 feet from 9400 to 10400, as far as I can gather from the crappy elevation profile. My second is 3.7 miles "easy," i.e. mostly flat with a short climb at the end (and now at only 5400'). My third and final leg is 6.2 miles "medium," beginning with a 100' climb and ending with a 600' drop, and now only 4500' or thereabouts. Doesn't sound too terrible. I'm more concerned about my endurance for a fast 10k than I am for the climb, though.

8.22.2011 - 8.28.2011

Monday - Tuesday: Off.
Wednesday: 6 miles on Picture Rock.
Thursday: 5 miles on Picture Rock.
Friday-Saturday: Off, mostly because Wednesday and Thursday's runs were so miserable, and I was afraid to run again... Saturday night I registered for the marathon, so hopefully this will motivate me to run more.
Sunday: Well, I'm currently sitting in the coffee shop across the street from Ma's Pizzeria, where I was scheduled to work today starting at noon. It's almost 3! You see, the establishment is locked. I believe this is due to Mel and/or Gretchen not showing up this morning to unlock the place. I am more than a little bit peeved. I'll probably stop waiting here in a minute and go for a run, though it appears a little dangerous out there, weather wise.
I got a short run in - 4.1 miles around town. Sprinkles and thunder, made it home before it got bad.

Sum: 15.1 miles.
