The great indoors.

The craziness of 4 part time jobs plus shorter days made my mileage pretty pitiful for the first two weeks here. Starting a trial membership at a 24-hour gym should hopefully help. I guess I'll be learning to love the treadmill. At least for a bit.

2 runs this week. One was 5ish and one was 6ish, totaling 11ish. I was kind of just feeling mopey this week, didn't feel like running much. Also starting the 4 jobs might have had something to do with it.

3 runs this week, totaling 21.5 miles. 6 miles on Picture Rock, I believe, then on Thursday I started a 7 day trial at Anytime Fitness in Longmont. Thursday night I ran 5.5 miles on the treadmill, which was miserable (8:00 miles). Friday I ran 10 miles on the treadmill (8:30 average), which was even more miserable. But I think I can get used to it.

Monday: 50 minutes (6.2 miles) on the treadmill. 10 minutes at 7.0mph, 10 at 7.2, 10 at 7.4, 10 at 7.6, 10 at 7.8, brief cool-down, and some abdominal/PT stuff.
Tuesday: 2.5 miles (E, 8:30/mile) on the treadmill. Was planning to do 5 but the back of my right knee was suffering from periodic shooting pains. Finished on the elliptical (25 minutes, 2.6 miles). On the elliptical my HR was pretty much always 180, which I think is pretty intense compared to easy to moderate running (more like 165 for me, I believe, but don't quote me on that). Some PT stuffs.
Wednesday: Off. Even called in sick to VS today. I'm exhausted.
Thursday: Happy Thanksgiving!!! 30 minute run (partial Andesite, probably 3.5 miles).
Friday: Off. Black Friday.
Saturday: 6 miles picture rock.
Sunday: 10 miles picture rock.
Sum: 28ish run + 2.6 elliptical = 30?
