Goodbye CO...

5.14.2012 - 5.20.2012

No runs or rides or hikes to speak of, really. Just working on the house with Michael. We also hiked a bit to discover the trail from Michael's neighbor's house to the LP trailhead. Also I biked a couple miles one day to make sure all of my adjustments were successful (new stem, saddle, fenders, front rack). I guess my birthday happened, too. The big 2-3. I meant to run 23 miles, but then I didn't.

A photo to represent "working on the cabin," which often involved making sure Michael didn't fall off a ladder to his demise.

5.21.2012 - 5.27.2012

Monday: Finished the siding!! And loaded up the 520 for a practice ride.

Cabin with completed siding and roofing. Isn't it cute!?

Tuesday: Practice ride with gear on the bike... so freakin' heavy! Kind of dropped it trying to get down the stairs and out of the cabin. Anywho, it took a while, and some re-arranging things for balance, to get comfortable with all the extra weight. Once I finally did, I rode from Michael's to Allenspark and back, about 13.5 miles and 1530' elevation gain for the round trip. The climbing was really rough and really slow, but I think I could have done 50 miles of similar stuff. Averaging 9.4 mph on a bike sounds terrible, but to meet our goal of 50 miles per day, that's only 5h20m of cycling... and there are 13+ hrs of sunlight, right?

The 520, lookin' snazzy with some new additions (and some veteran gear): Surly Nice Front Rack, Novara handlebar bag with a clear top in which to put maps, Terry touring saddle (From C. Eng!), panniers, sleeping bag, and tent.

520 + Meeker + that "historic" church that everyone takes photos of.

Wednesday-Friday: Off, save some moving large things. And driving a zillion miles.
Saturday: Brown Mountain with Clara, Juliette, and Justine. It was pretty much the best day to run Brown Mountain in the history of days. Cool, crisp, with clear air and some clouds hovering over the San Gabriels. 7 miles.
Sunday: Off. 

Sum: 7 miles run + 13.5 miles bike.
