If I could do just one near perfect thing I'd be happy.

Monday, 2.1
18 minute warm-up. Upper Arroyo (I mapped it as 6.8, but there could be some screwy stuff in there w/ the trails not being visible). 53 minutes. 8.7 today.

Tuesday, 2.2
Off. Apparently the team did 5x800m at 5k pace and a bonus 400.

Wednesday, 2.3
Off. Behind on skool.

Thursday, 2.4
Felt like crap today, but popped some ibuprofin, grinned and bore the workout. 5 on, 2 off x4 at Lacy. Let's see... for the first couple, Masha, Susan, Clara, Natalya and I stayed together. At some point Sylvia showed up (either the 2nd or 3rd). On the third, Sylvia and I stayed up w/ Susan, and on the fourth, I attempted to (and Sylvia succeeded). We did the 1000m loop to kick off the first interval, and did the same on the fourth for comparison. My first 1000 was in 4:16, if I remember correctly, and the last was 4:09 (but then for the last 51 seconds of that interval I slowed to a jog). 3 miles for the tempo part, ~3.5 for the "off" parts, the warm-up, and the cool-down.

Friday, 2.5
40 minutes super easy in new and exciting places (by which I mean I did Hillcrest but turned east on Pinehurst and found myself sort of below where we normally run in San Marino. It was really rainy and green). Butt/hip not feeling too hot. Stretched a lot. 4 miles.

Saturday, 2.6
Off. A lot of walking.

Sunday, 2.7
Off. A lot of walking.

Week total: 19.2 miles.
