
Monday 2.15 - Sunday 2.21
Off from running. However, there were a couple short bike rides in there (like... to Old Pas and back), and Saturday-Sunday I was in Death Valley for a field trip. Saturday was a ~5 mile hike with a pretty huge elevation gain, I'll call it a million meters. Sunday was less hiking, more driving. Probably between 1 and 2 miles of hiking. BUT I'M SO SORE FROM HIKING! Grumble.

Monday, 2.22
I think I'll run this week. Lorain mostly with C. Eng. 6.2 miles, 48:50. With warm-up, I'll say today was 6.5 miles. A nice number. The run was actually pretty OK, despite my soreness. Probably because running uses different muscles. Or something. Abs afterwards. La di da.

Tuesday, 2.23
Off. Working on Ch21 until it was due...

Wednesday, 2.24
Average(Lacy Long, Huntington)? 5.0 miles. 43 minutes, if I remember correctly. Felt pretty ok.

Thursday, 2.25
Off. Umm... I think I was doing something productive.

Friday, 2.26
Off. Getting cheese in South Pas.

Saturday, 2.27
Rossi Relays. Felt almost as terrible as the weather was. Shouldn't have gone to this meet. So behind on work. Ran a leg of the 4x1600m. 6:13. Exceeded my expectations.

Sunday, 2.28

Week total: 13.2 miles


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