You can breathe, but the air is running out.

Monday, 2.8
Lower w/ Clara. 7.8 miles. We stopped at Garfield Park to stretch and I realized that my watch said 5 minutes... (for 2.5 miles? I don't think so)... so I screwed up at some point. Restarted from there. 47 minutes for ~5.3 miles. My legs felt really terrible today, as if I, like Natalya and Masha, had run a half marathon yesterday. But in reality all I did was walk around Santa Monica. *Sigh* Lots of joint pain in the hip region. Garrett thinks I should take a week off and build up my mileage gradually--think about the long term. I don't really know what I should do, but I'm biking tomorrow morning.

Tuesday, 2.9
Went on a nice little bike ride w/ Heather. Art Center loop + breakfast at Dish in La Canada. 21 miles. Got back to campus just as the rain was getting bad. It was good to give the QA some action (although Garrett gave it some yesterday...), but it was kind of depressing how terribly out of shape I am... dying on Salvia Canyon? Really?

Wednesday, 2.10

Thursday, 2.11

Friday, 2.12
60 minutes on the RB/Arroyo/Aquatic Center trails. Pretty slow, I'll say 6.3 miles.

Saturday, 2.13
Umm... some jogging at the track meet. Then Clara and I were going to bike, but sunset was nearing, so we ran Huntington slightly extended. 6.2 miles. 52.5 minutes. Hip hurt on non-grassy parts. Really light-headed afterwards. I think I'm getting sick. Throat hurts.

Sunday, 2.14
Happy V Day.

Week total: 20.3 + (21) miles.


  1. Come on, be a running one (if you would like, that is)! I miss your company, though my legs no longer eat up the miles like they once did. :/


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