The ebb.

Monday, 5.3
Resting my congested little head.

Tuesday, 5.4
A pleasant (albeit hot and disappointing at times) bike ride with Clara. 28 miles. We were kind of being random today. Notable events: Carried our bikes up that one trail to get to the end of Altadena, transforming the day from an easy day to a medium day (for me, anyway. Clara's much stronger than me. She beat me in an arm wrestle.); Saw a sign in Loma Alta Park for a Chili Cook-Off and got really excited for samples, only to find that it was fake! They were filming something, and we ruined their shot; Tried (quite unsuccessfully for awhile) to find the gelato place in Altadena, finally found it and learned that it is closed on Mondays and Tuesdays. *Sigh*

Oh also I ran 20.3 meters. Clara ran 51.6 (see above image).
You should try, too! It's totally worth your time...

Wednesday, 5.5 - Sunday, 5.8
Off, if I remember correctly.


  1. lol! I spent too much of Tuesday evening doing that.. but I got 100.3 :) But I think it hardly counts as running.. it's slower than shuffling.. or even walking, for that matter =P.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm sorry about the failing! :( Also I'm pretty sure the arm wrestle was not legit.. Seeing as Stephanie is a strong one. But I'm pretty sure that QWOP is getting quite a workout... can you imagine going 100.3 meters like that in the split position? It would be rather terrible, I feel. Ahh all I wanted to do was edit my post, but it wouldn't work. -_-;;


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