What's this feeling? My love will rip a hole in the ceiling.

Monday, 5.24
Orange Grove with Perrin. 5.1 miles. Pretty chill pace (43:40). Felt good. It's been a while since I've run with Perrin.

Tuesday, 5.25
Rosemead. 5.8 miles. Easyish (48:30). I should go to the gym sometime.

Wednesday, 5.26
Dear South Pasadena Department of Parks and Recreation,

Could you please fix the drinking fountain in Garfield Park? It's been broken for about a year now. I recognize that there's another drinking fountain in the park, but I find it inconveniently out of my way when I'm passing through on runs.

Also, could you tell someone to repave the part of Mission Street between Euclid and Fair Oaks when you get a chance?


Full Arroyo, back on Aquatic Center trails. 10.2 +/- 0.5 miles. 81 +/- 1 minute. Ran at about 2PM. It was hot. I don't know about these Brooks. They're so... hard.

Thursday, 5.27
Off, I believe.

Friday, 5.28
Dune climbing (up). ~1.5 miles.

Saturday, 5.29
Dune climbing (down). ~1.5 miles.

Sunday, 5.30
Off. Hospital rooms and such.

Week total: 24ish (including dunes)


  1. Ohhh but I feel like then the room just caves in. :/


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