
H'ok. So. Here's what's happening for the next few months. From now until May, I'm trying to ease back into running and cycling in preparation for a couple things. First, May 12 is the Red Rock Relay, Moab, with Girls Heart Rockets. Last year at the Zion Relay, poor race organization led to us having a vastly inappropriate start time, and we complained, and to appease us we were given free entry into the Moab race. Moab is only 65 miles and is for teams of 6, who each run 2 legs totaling about 10 miles. I'm hoping for one of the climbing-intensive legs so that I don't have to worry about speed anytime soon. Then June 1 is the tentative start date of Le Tour des Montagnes, a.k.a. the Sierra Cascades tour as mapped by the Adventure Cycling Association:

I think it might actually happen, thanks to Perrin's initiative. We're going south to north, taking a break after the San Bernardinos to chill in Pasadena, and to run the "World Famous" Mud Run at Camp Pendleton. Hopefully Clara and/or Sylvia will be able to join us after graduation. This tour will probably last until August Somethingth, at which point I'll probably need to get to Berkeley and start workin' on that Ph.D. If I'm able to run during the bike tour (which somehow happened in Germany), I'd really like to try another marathon in the fall, probably something in the Bay Area-ish (maybe Santa Rosa 8/26 or 'NorCal' in San Jose 9/16).

3.10.2012 - 3.18.2012

Saturday: 8 miles on Picture Rock, slowly. I think it was 44 minutes out, 42 minutes back.
Sunday: 17 miles biking on the QA. Up Highway 7 for about 6 miles, then down, then Apple Valley Road. There were a ton of motorcyclists passing me on 7, which was scary/annoying, contributing to the brevity.
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Monday: A 2-mile trot on the Andesite route, then PT.
Tuesday: Apple Valley. 5.7 miles. Slow, but faster than 10-minute miles.
Wednesday: 23 miles on Michael's Trek 520. I was skeptical of this bike fitting me, but I think it will work, especially if I switch out the stem for a shorter one. The route was down 66 to Hygiene, back on 36, then Apple Valley and Andesite to add some miles at the end. Cycling on flat land isn't usually my thing, but it was kind of nice, good views of the mountains and such. Also the winds were powerful at times, which made it more of a workout.
Thursday: 6 miles on Bitterbrush Trail in Hall Ranch. I've only run at Hall Ranch on one other occasion, last summer, but I took the Nighthawk Trail, which was kind of lame. Also it was really hot and Hall Ranch is very exposed. This time was much more pleasant.
Friday: 30 miles (cycling) on the 520, sporting an appropriately green jersey. This route was similar to Wednesday's, but I went out to Niwot Rd. instead of coming back on Hygiene. Getting comfy with the 520, but I need to take care of the stem and switch out the saddle... and... try climbing with it. Maybe when C. Eng visits. :)
Saturday: 11 miles with BTRBC at Lion Gulch. A beautiful day, a beautiful run, though challenging at times.
Sunday: I think I'll take today off.
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Sum (Mon-Sun):  24 miles run + 53 bike.


  1. :D Let's run! And bike? And snowshoe!? And do outdoorsy things. Seems like you have been doing some exploring? Also Happy St. Patrick's Day (though that is tomorrow).

  2. I got an email yesterday morning that said "Happy St. Patrick's Day" from Michael's mother. So I assumed it was SPD all day. Heh.


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