Together we can tackle anything of any size.

3.19.2012 - 3.25.2012

Monday: Antelope Loop (to Apple Valley, up Antelope Road to the Hall Ranch Trailhead, through Hall Ranch, back on Highway 7). 6.2 miles.

Tuesday: Off, save picking up some rocks in the crawl space.

Wednesday: 3 easy miles on the Andesite route.

Thursday: Hiked to Chasm Lake with Michael and Clara. 8.3 miles, 2747' gained (max 11,804'), involving some snow, which is kind of difficult.
En route to the lake. You can see a bit of Long's in the upper right. 

One of the steeper snow sections. 

Chasm Lake! Frozen this time. 

Mildly terrifying snow field. 

Friday: Ran/hiked to the summit of Bear Peak in Boulder with Clara. From NCAR, up Bear Canyon/Bear Peak West Ridge, down Fern Canyon. The way down was covered in ice and very difficult without Yaktrax. A full body workout! 7.85 miles, 2863' gained (max 8456'). I'd like to try this run and/or hike with Green and/or South Boulder Peak(s) added, and coming down Shadow Canyon.

View of Bear Peak (right) and Devil's Throne (left) from West Ridge trail.

 View of Boulder Valley from the peak.

Saturday: Antelope Loop, back on Andesite, with Clara. 7.6 miles. Later in the day we hiked a bit in the Bear Lake area in RMNP, to Nymph and Dream Lakes.

At Dream Lake.

Sunday: Ran/hiked 5.4 miles on Estes Cone trail with Clara. We turned around when 'post-holing' became unbearable.

Sum: 30.1 "run" + 10.5 hike.
