Carry on, carry on...

Monday, 11.16
7.8 miles, 68 minutes. Meh... I thought I was going faster... The good thing about getting to Holyrood via Cowgate instead of the way I've gone in the past is that there's only one stoplight, at Cowgate and Pleasance. On the way back, nearing the end of my run, at this particular stoplight I had to wait for quite a while (with hands on hips). I was reminded of a poem written by a good friend:

"Red lights are for running"

A poem that was not originally intended, but kind of ended up being,
for Stephanie

Red lights are for running
when you are on a bike
but this is even truer
for when you lose the fight
with your legs to ignore
all the hills and miles
that have come before.

(that's when you assume
-hands on hips,
breathing hard
from parted lips-
the "at rest" position)

~C. Eng

Tuesday, 11.17
6.4 miles, 54 minutes. Wow I'm sore. Guess that's what I get for essentially taking 3 weeks off...

Wednesday, 11.18
8.1km (5 miles) on the treadmill, most of the time at 5:00/km, sometimes at 5:15/km. There's a scale at the gym and I stepped on it. Bad news.

Thursday, 11.19

Friday, 11.20
Long run a la plage. 13.2 miles, 120 minutes. Felt pretty good. A little hungry though.

Saturday, 11.21
Hobbled about for 6.6 miles, 66 minutes. My legs seem upset that I subjected them to so many miles yesterday.

Sunday, 11.22
Off. Thanksgiving in Dundee! Got up at 6:30 for a short run, but it was still dark out... leaving for the train soon.

Week total: 39 miles.


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