So it goes.

Monday, 11.23
8.1km (5 miles) on the treadmill, starting at 5:15/km pace and gradually speeding up to 4:48/km pace as I became more and more impatient. Treadmills are lame.

Tuesday, 11.24
16.2km (10 miles) on the treadmill, all at 5:15/km pace except last 800m (5:00/km). Surprisingly bearable. Somewhere in the first third my right glute started bothering me and then the pain spread down the side of my leg to my knee... and then it went away after a few minutes. Free weights, abs, and glute strengthening things (barbell single leg stiff-leg dead lift + air humps).

Wednesday, 11.25

Thursday, 11.26
I made my way out to the Hermitage with bearable pain on the outside of my right knee from the start. I decided to keep going since the pain went away on Tuesday after a few minutes, but it didn't go away this time--it got progressively worse. Different parts of my upper right leg took turns hurting. I had to stop and walk several times, which was very cold and unpleasant. I cut the run short at the Starbucks on the Quartermile, so that's 6 miles of mostly running, some walking. O, Right Leg, why have you forsaken me? And on Thanksgiving, too. How cruel.

Friday, 11.27
Today was a beautiful day! Despite my finding it painful to walk, I decided to climb Arthur's Seat and walk around the crags and such in Holyrood (~2 hour walk) after popping a couple ibuprofen. I was afraid that there wouldn't be another good day for it... Afterward I went to the gym and spent 45 minutes on the elliptical (maintaining HR at ~140--too low I think, 5.6km) and 20 minutes on the stationary bike (just to see if it agitated my knee/IT band--it didn't).

Saturday, 11.28
Spun for 60 minutes + 5 minute cool down. 19 miles. Heart rate was 150-160 for the first half, 160-180 for the second half. Felt like a pretty decent workout.

Sunday, 11.29
Spun for 40 minutes + 5 minute cool down. 12.8 miles. Elliptical for 20 minutes. Felt like punching all of the runners on the treadmills. Some abs.

Week total: 21 miles + stuff.


  1. Hey, you've started using the metric system! I approve. Except I don't really understand km or kmph. :/ Don't break! And I hope you can still find time to run amidst all your work finishing and museum perusing.

  2. I'm only using the metric system because that's what the treadmills are set on... it's kind of annoying.


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