Love actually is all around.

Sunday, 12.13-Sunday, 12.27
Off. I'm failing at this getting back into shape thing. Did a lot of walking, ate a lot of delicious foods. I think those canceled each other out. I didn't run because (in addition to being lazy in general) I was afraid of slipping in the snow: IT SNOWED IN FLORENCE, which it apparently hasn't done since 1985. Snow in Nuremberg and Munich as well. The hotel in Munich had a gym but the treadmill was out of order and I didn't feel much like elliptical. It was a pretty fantastic trip though, despite its lack of running.

If all goes swimmingly, I should return (pleasantly, or perhaps unpleasantly, plump) to the other Burgh (the New one) on Monday night... and perhaps I'll run on Tuesday (before driving to Nashville) or Wednesday-Saturday (before driving to CA)...


  1. You're back!!! I think. I'm glad you enjoyed traversing Europe. You should relate the tales of your travels, at some point, perhaps? Also, run! If you have the time and inclination. And have fun at home. :)


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