There's no place like home.

Monday, 12.28
Off. A long day of travelling.

Tuesday, 12.29
Off. Breakfast with the fam followed by a drive down to Nashville to steal Perrin from Mr. Haas.

Wednesday, 12.30
Ran around downtown Newburgh and by the river and was distracted by the progress made on the Rivertown Trail. (So far they have reconstructed a bridge from 1920 over Cypress Creek to the Water Street lookout and designated the southern lane of Water Street as a pedestrian/bicycle lane. I think the plan is to extend it all the way to Angel Mounds and then possibly eventually meet up with the riverfront walk in Evansville, which would be AWESOME.) 5.36 miles. 49 minutes. Pretty ok for my first run in an eternity.

Thursday, 12.31
55 minutes at USI xc course (so muddy!). I was pretty sore from the previous day so I was quite slow at times. Probably averaged 10 minutes/mile, so we'll say this was 5.5 miles. Apparently USI hosted division 2 xc nationals this year.

Friday, 1.1 - Saturday, 1.2
Off. Driving across the country.

Sunday, 1.3
JPL waterfall(ish) with Clara. 55 minutes... probably... between 5.5 and 6 miles. Let's say 5.8. It's good to be back.

Week total: 16.66 miles.
