Yours is a funeral I'd fly to from anywhere.

4.4.2011 - 4.10.2011

Monday: 52 minutes elliptical. PT.

Tuesday: (4x400)x3, supposed to be at 1500m pace. Hung onto Juliette for the first 10. Jogged the last 2 because my legs stopped working. But my goal was to see how long I could stay up there, so I guess I accomplished that, and probably learned something about my fitness. 86, 87, 87, 87; 87, 87, 86, 86; 85, 85, jog, jog. I feel like Juliette and Sylvia's 1500 pace should be more like 83's...? I guess Juliette got down to that pace at the end. If I can run 85's on Saturday, which seems doable, I'll hit my standard I'm-not-really-in-shape-but-I-tried-my-best time of 5:19. 5 miles today.

Wednesday: I guess I was off? Don't remember doing anything...

Thursday: 1 on, 1 off x 7 on the elliptical. A bit of running to warm up. I think 35 minutes of total activity.

Friday: Off.

Saturday: PP Invite. 5:21 1500m. Felt pretty ok. There were a lot of people and I often felt trapped. Chilled in the back for the first lap, then passed a bunch of people on the second, then tried to run with Sylvia for the rest, finished 2 seconds behind her. Afterwards decided I shouldn't run the steeple, but I stayed to watch the 5k and cooled down with Zhangsta. 4 miles today, I'd guess. Lloyd Interhouse might have involved some amount of physical activity (Where are my keys? I lost my phone... (not really))

Sunday: Off.

Sum: 90 minutes elliptical + 9 miles.
