Holy moley, me oh my.

You're the apple of my eye.


Monday: Patrician (What?!) with Marlyn. Felt overwhelmingly fantastic. But I'll probably regret tomorrow. Some stuff in the weight room (free weights and back extension thingies) then PT stuff (pretty good hamstring flexibility, bilaterally). 9.6 miles, according to Marlyn's watch.

Tuesday: Lunchtime track workout! 10x200m in lane zero (barefoot). 60 sec rest in between each. Hit them all in 39/40. I really think I would have run them faster with shoes in lane 1... like, I think this converts to 37's, but I could be completely off-base. 11 minute warm-up, 8 minute cool-down. 3.5 miles today?

Wednesday-Thursday: Off, I think?

Friday: 3ish miles, prerace, then 4 strides, some abs.

Saturday: Steeplechase @ cms. 13:10 or so. It was really hot and I wasn't feeling very well. Justine ran it, though, which was pretty cool. Also, Anton ran in the men's (pretty fast for a n00b.) 4 miles today?

Sunday: Off.

Sum: Roughly 20 miles. Hmm...


  1. It is good to be excited. =) Also I feel like your blog is always much more interesting than mine. :/


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