Is this it?

4.25.2011 - 5.1.2011

40 minutes with Best. North Field and around the block.

Tuesday: Off.

Wednesday: 5x300m. Supposed to be at 1500m pace, but I was definitely going quicker than any fathomable 1500 pace for my current body. 63, 60, 60, 59, 60. 2:30 to complete each one, so ~90 seconds of rest. Juliette was running 57's. It'd be pretty cool if she could do that for her 15 on Friday... 3 miles today.

Thursday: Pre-race. 3 miles. 4 strides? Or was it 6?

Friday: 3000sch at SCIACs = my last collegiate race. All things considered, it went quite well, thanks to some support/advice from people who apparently care, some good tunes, and a random nonsensical story from Scott. (It's nice when people care.) I ran something like 12:38, which isn't bad for my Current Self. Most importantly, I was really freaking happy.

Saturday - Sunday: Off.

Sum: 15 miles.
