So. Much. Cake.

5.16.2011 - 5.22.2011

Monday: Off, but hey, it's my birthday. A good day, though cold.

Tuesday: 5.8 miles, mini Huntington.

Wednesday: Off. Bye bye Michael. :(

Thursday: Patrician. 10 miles. Not very briskly, maybe barely sub-9-minute miles, but it felt good to get out and run a real run, y'know? My hamstrings were a little funky feeling, kind of like back in August, and my shoes were squeaking like crazy, and my shins hurt a little, but for the most part it was good. I decided during this run that, in honor of my birthday, I should either try to run 22 miles this week in total, or I should do a 22-mile run. We'll see which I choose...

Friday: Ditch Day! No running, but ~2 hours hiking at Griffith Park with Perrin. Hollywood Sign, rattlesnake, Aussies on horses, lots of other horses and horse feces and flies.

Saturday: Madre. 6.2 miles. I was still feeling sore from Patrician, so I decided to be rational and choose the weekly-mileage-of-22 option. I think this was a good choice; this run was difficult enough. It was pretty hot. And my feet were on fire. I don't know if it was because of the hot-ness or the impact of pavement or what (maybe because I haven't been wearing shoes lately? idk), but it was unbearable. Ran back from Smadre/Lombardy barefoot, carrying shoes.

Sunday: Off. Some nostalgia on the Oxy astroturf. :-/

Sum: 22 miles.
