Still staring at a clean white page.

5.2.2011 - 5.8.2011

Monday: Off.

Tuesday: Lacy long from Schloss. 5.3 I guess. In the vibrams. This felt pretty OK. It was supposed to be a head-clearing run before getting cranking on the thesis, but uh... just went to sleep after. (insert shifty-eyed emoticon).

Wednesday: 30 minutes vibrams north field. Around 12 minutes I was greeted by a swollen-nosed, bow-legged companion. :D Today was a productive day! But I'm afraid to read these (23) pages I wrote...
f*** it - I'll settle for just complete sentences.
(My senior is swollen)

Thursday - Sunday: Off. What why?

Sum: 9 miles? What's wrong with me?
