Impending doom.

9.26.2011 - 10.2.2011

Monday: Workout with the Lions: 3 on, 2 off, 4 on, 3 off, 5 on, 4 off, 4 on, 3 off, 3 on, where "on" meant race pace and "off" was an easy jog. Ran the first 2 with Kelsey and Hazel, the third with Kelsey, the fourth with Kelsey, Olivia, and Ethan (yay! I convinced Kelsey that she can run with Olivia!), and the last with Kelsey and Olivia for about half of it (we lost Olivia on the downhill because her legs are like a zillion feet long, so she had an advantage...) So that was probably 3.5 miles. Then I ran 3 more easy on Picture Rock. Stomach didn't feel great today, but I think I still got something out of it. I think the last interval was sub-7:00 pace but I can't verify that because my watch's battery died after the third (first was 7:44/mile, second was 7:33/mile, third was 7:21/mile.)

Tuesday: 5.6 miles. To the HS, barefoot on the baseball field, then a bit with the girls and back home. Also earlier in the day I did some PT/Abs.

Wednesday - Thursday: Off. Wednesday up at the property, Thursday working at the bar. (I didn't know noon-volume meant noon to close so neglected running in the AM).

Friday: 5.5 miles midday. Andesite + Ho Chi Minh. Legs felt kind of yucky on the last 2 miles. I was going to do a 22+ mile run this week but after some research decided against it, since the race is next Sunday. Don't plan to cut back too much next week though, since I'm not really racing this one.

Saturday: Off from running, but shoveled all day up at the property.

Sunday: Off. Working all day. Never again. (As I am no longer employed at Pizza Bar 66... oh well! Chicago and Los Angeles, here I come!)

Sum: 18 or so. Some shoveling.
