Red rocks and such.

Super pumped for Red Rock Relay this weekend with Girls Heart Rockets! And seeing C. Eng., of course.

9.5.2011 - 9.11.2011

Monday: Worked a bit on Michael's property, and ran from it up to the Estes Cone trail and back (4.9 miles).

Tuesday: Rain rain rain!!!!!! I am so happy the hot weather is over and done with! And running in the rain is pretty much the best thing ever. Had to work at 4, so did 4.2 miles before practice (basically the run called "andesite," to the andesite mine and back on S. St Vrain), then stopped by the high school to say hi (and take advantage of the stretching ropes and foam rollers) and ran back home. 5 miles today.

Wednesday: Some running with the Lions. They were going easy today, 40-50 minutes. Ran with Spencer for the most part, until he realized he had a kayaking workout he needed to get to, and sprinted into the distance. (He's apparently on the US Kayaking Team. Also his dad is some kind of climate modeler or glaciologist of sorts. So we talked about that...) Ran back with Hazel and Olivia. 42 minutes today. The part with Spencer (most of the run) was pretty quick, so 5 miles is not out of the question. Leaving tomorrow for Utah!

Thursday: Off. Driving all day.

Friday: 10:39 AM, Ran leg 2 of the Red Rock Relay. It's described as "hard," and the climb is called "El Diablo" because of its difficulty I suppose. It gained 700' (from ~9800' to ~10500') over 2.93 miles, which is actually less steep than Brown Mountain (though there's quite a bit more oxygen on Brown). The elevation profiles they gave us in the race guide were atrocious, and I couldn't tell if I would be gaining 500 feet or 1500 feet. I was prepared for the worst, so it didn't end up being that bad. 9:35/mile average pace, according to the technology.

6:07 in the PM, Ran leg 14, which was an "easy" 3.7 miles, very gradual downhill (basically flat) for the bulk of it until a 100' climb at the end. I think this one was around 5500' (something comparable to Lyons). I didn't have the GPS turned on on my Garmin, so I couldn't verify elevation and distance, but I know I ran it in 25:40, which is 6:56/mile pace. So... I'm just gonna say 3.7 is accurate cuz I'm quite pleased with that pace.

Saturday: 2:37AM, Ran leg 26. 6.09 miles (though the guide said it would be 6.4 or something I think) of very gradual uphill, then gradual downhill, then steep downhill. I averaged 7:16/mile on this one, which I was pretty happy with, though it could have been a lot quicker had I not gotten a stitch on the steep downhill part (pretty much the last mile). Oh well. As soon as I handed off to Jordan WB, Serena and I high-tailed it for the St George airport so we could get on with our lives. She to SLC then ORD then to a conference in Greece and I to SLC then to Midway, UT to cheer on the inspiring and insane Sarah and Dima as they completed their 100-mile walk down the aisle. I was sad to miss the finish of RRR. The team did really well. 12th overall (of 200+), and the second all-women team to finish. 24:50 was the time, which is about an 8:00/mile pace average for the course. Not too shabby, ladies. (Including C. Eng, who I'm sure did super well!)

Sunday: Hiked part of the Wasatch 100 course with Michael and Todd. It was near Brighton ski resort, and there were some really pretty lakes and views. Todd and I ran a bit so we could get over Sunset Pass before we had to head back to get to the reception. We probably hiked 5 miles total. A good chunk of our time was spent watching the 2 moose (one female and one male) across the lake about halfway up. So awesome!! Then we saw 2 more moose (both males) on the drive back to Midway. MEEEESE!

Sum: About 29 mile running, 5 hiking. Pleasantly surprised by the RRR performance.
