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It's been a while

It's 2018, and I haven't posted on here since 2013. In that time, I qualified for and ran Boston, finished a couple ultramarathons, and sort of broke my femur. Fun times. Here are some highlights: 2014: The year of the BQ Carlsbad Marathon: Snagged a BQ. Strava here . Wild West Relay: Ran with Girls Heart Rockets in the Ultra division, so ran 6 legs totaling 30ish miles. Here's one of my legs . Pike's Peak Ascent: Mostly I just walked this . It was a bucket list run that I was sadly out of shape for. Maybe I'll go back when I'm in hill-climbing shape! Columbia Gorge Marathon : Paced Perrin to a big PR. We matched: 2015: Boston, and first 50k Livermore Half Marathon :  This was a training run for Boston. It was a fun race, with 13 different wine samples and 2 beer samples at the end! A little much for 9am! Boston Marathon:  I was undertrained but still managed a PR. Boston is truly a magical race. 26 miles for my 26th birthday! Redwood Anv

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Together we can tackle anything of any size.
