Finding a beautiful place to get lost.

Monday, 9.7
Run to the Top (Mt. Baldy) with Clara. 8 miles, 4000 feet elevation gain, 1 hour, 45 minutes. The first four miles were in 41 minutes and I didn't walk at all! The last four were more trying and I probably walked half of the time. After the race we had to jog/walk 4 miles down to get on the ski lift.

Tuesday, 9.8
Off. Butt is sore from yesterday.

Wednesday, 9.9
AM: 5 miles easy. Butt is still quite sore.
PM: 20 minutes followed by drills. Butt is still sore, and right ankle feels kind of funky. I pulled my left gluteus medius doing the grapevine. Walking back to Lloyd from the gym was quite painful, and I considered on several occasions calling security for a ride. Thankfully, biking to South Pas did not cause me any unease. At least I can hop on a bike if the whole running thing doesn't work out.

Thursday, 9.10
Off. (Travelling)

Friday, 9.11
Off. Exploring Edinburgh and catching up on sleep.

Saturday, 9.12
45 minutes easy. Ran south of the hostel and happened upon the University of Edinburgh campus beyond which was this amazing grassy park called The Meadows. A few other runners were up (this was about 6:30am). One guy was running a Fartlek and looked pretty speedy. The Meadows has a network of cycling and pedestrian paths with distances marked every now and then. After this I wandered to Holyrood Park and ran a bit around Arthur's Seat. Bouncy red track material trail to run on was like being in heaven. :)

Sunday, 9.13

Week total: ~25 miles.
