My eyelashes catch my sweat.

This week, "Freshers' Week," has been really hectic (getting settled in, dealing with registration and meetings and such, meeting people). I think I'll be better about running regularly once I have a more structured life.

Monday, 9.14

Ran around Holyrood Park. 44 minutes. 5.5 miles? It was a nice run. A bit damp, perfect temperature (~55F), lovely scenery (grassland, lochs, a bit of hill climbing with gratifying views of the city and the sea).

Tuesday, 9.15
Off. (Walked to the Kings Buildings and back, though... that's 5.2 miles... I need a bike.)

Wednesday, 9.16

Thursday, 9.17
45 minute run out to Kings Buildings (to sign up for a meeting with my Director of Studies), around that neighborhood, and back. 5.7 miles. Went on a pub crawl with the Haries.

Friday, 9.18
~4 miles easy in The Meadows with the Haries. I would guess 20-30 runners showed up. We all stayed together for the run, which was nice. When we stopped the girls I was running with told me I looked like I hadn't even broken a sweat, which surprised me because I felt a little greasy. This was advertised as a "Hangover Cure Jog." I still needed quite a bit of coffee though. I think I'm becoming addicted to caffeine again. Oh well.

Saturday, 9.19
Out to Holyrood Park, two Queens Drive loops (+ random detours up trails/grass roads), and back. 76 minutes, probably about 9 miles. I got up super early (after going to bed at 3:30) to wait in line for hours to get a bike from this recycled bike shop (I was lucky to get a bike. They only had 33 bikes and close to 50 people showed up. I quite like my ride. It's a lime green hybrid with ladies' geometry. And it was only 70 quid. I don't know if it's going to be good enough to join the cycling club for rides, but it will be good for getting around town.) This morning it was misty and cloudy and chilly and I wasn't very excited about running. I took a nap after getting back from the bike shop and when I woke up it was absolutely beautiful outside--sunny and about 60 degrees, so I was a little more excited about going for a run. I thought 2 Holyrood loops would be closer to 10 miles but I was wrong. Oh well. I'm still quite happy with the run. It felt good, and it was easier to breathe than it has been.

Sunday, 9.20
36 minutes easy in The Meadows. Probably a little more than 4 miles. My right glute felt a little funky. I was meaning to knead it out with a softball when I got back (and do some ab stuff), but my flatmates wanted to go shopping, so...

Week total: 28.4 miles


  1. yay regina spektor! ahhh, I am so jealous... that does sound like a lovely run =[. keep up the running in scotland!

  2. oooh, lime green. picture, please!


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