Time is running out.

Stress! Finish SURF, get ready for Edinburgh. And run a bit. That's the plan.

Monday, 8.31
3.0 mile treadmill run (23 minutes) + crawling and prancing about in the "multipurpose room"

Tuesday, 9.1
9.1 miles in Manhattan Beach with Clara, 77 minutes. Sore from yesterday.

Wednesday, 9.2
AM: Out and back on Griffith Park horse trail, 43 minutes (5 miles?). Relaxed out, a little harder back, alternating pace-setters (Justine-->Masha-->Clara-->Me-->Susan). Felt good.
PM: Abs and Weights

Thursday, 9.3
5.9 miles with 2.8 as a tempo. Susan and I ran the tempo in 18:22. Not bad considering the energy-suckers involved (thick grass on Sierra Madre and the Oxford hill). It was quite a chore to stick with Susan. But I did it.

Friday, 9.4
AM: 50 minute run (~5.5 miles?) on a fire road near the campsite (Heart Bar) with Masha, Justine, and Mia for most of the way. 15 minute warm-up, 10 minute surge, 5 minute jog, 10 minute surge, back down easy. My legs were a little dead from yesterday. Also my right hip/butt hurt a bit on the way down.
PM: Swam in Big Bear Lake from the shore to this nice little rocky island and back. It was probably only 200-300 meters each way but I'm still counting it as a workout because swimming is really hard for me. Mmm... algae.

Saturday, 9.5
Huntington back on Oak Knoll with Justine, Masha, Phyllis, and Perrin (until Virginia). Easy, but not too easy. I brought the supersized earbuds on the run and rocked out. Masha and I picked it up quite a bit when "Stronger" was playing. I'm definitely getting sick (sore throat, congestion, cough). Also my right hip/butt still hurts. 6.1 miles.

Sunday, 9.6

Week total: ~34.6 miles
