I'm not crying, it's just been raining on my face.

Still disappointed in myself. I was lazy and unmotivated until Sunday, when I had a fantastic run that inspired me to be excited about running again.

Monday, 9.30
Showed up for the Haries session 5 minutes late, and they were already gone! They don't usually leave that promptly. Luckily, the triathlon club was meeting at the same place 15 minutes later for a run. I joined them, trying to keep it quiet that I wasn't actually one of them (I think I blended in nicely). The guy in charge claimed that we were running a route exactly 10 meters short of an 8k. Ha! It took 29 minutes! I don't think it was any more than 4 miles. These triathletes are cheating themselves. This run felt really, really fantastic. I was sore from Sunday's walk, but it was the kind of sore that makes one feel fantastic and active and alive. The route was good, too. We ran out to the canal, along it for a bit, through New Town, and somehow miraculously appeared in the Grassmarket--> Quartermile--> Meadows--> Done!

Tuesday, 9.29
Intervals with the Haries. 6 x "800m" (I think it was more like 750) in the Meadows, with 90 seconds rest between each interval. I ran with a group of 4 other girls, one of whom was Becky from the hill workout, and another was Hannah, the women's captain, who didn't run last week due to a swollen, infected foot. There were also some guys running with us. My times were 2:32 (Heh... if this is actually 800m, that's a PR...), 2:36, 2:36, 2:40, 2:48, 2:40. Not exactly consistent, but I'll take it. I think this was the first interval workout I've done since track last year, and I didn't quite know what I was capable of. The first one was fast because I was trying to stay with Becky (who also died off after the first 3). I was feeling pretty terrible after #4, as is apparent from my poor 5th interval. Hannah was ridiculously consistent, running all 6 in 2:34. She seems to know what she's doing. For the last 3 intervals, I stayed with her for the first halves (slightly downhill) and fell back during the second halves (slightly uphill). With ~1 mile warm-up, drills [high knees, butt kicks, gallops (I forget what Mike called these... maybe side steps?), striders], ~1 mile cool-down, I'll say today was a 5.5-mile day.

Wednesday, 9.30
Off. I missed circuits with the Haries/Orienteers because I had class until 4 in KB. I'm very sore from yesterday. It's good to be sore from a hard workout. Shins hurt a bit.

Thursday, 10.1
Fartlek with the Haries. 3 minutes hard, 1 off, 2 hard, 1 off, 1 hard, 1 off x 3. ~5 miles with warm-up and cool-down. I didn't feel too great during this workout. I had the most enormous lunch ever at the mosque and it wasn't settling very well. Also, my shins were bothering me, and my groin was really really sore. I didn't feel like I was running as hard as I could, but I just didn't feel like running any faster...

Friday, 10.2

Saturday, 10.3
Off. Set my alarm for 7 so that I could run before my zoo date (with flatmates), but hit snooze, then hit snooze again, then turned off... When we got to the zoo we were informed that it was closed for the day because it was too windy, so we ended up going to an art gallery instead. I didn't get to see the penguins!! :(

Sunday, 10.4
70 minutes easy (~8 miles). Ran up to Kings Buildings and got lost a bit looking for a way into the Blackford Hill area that didn't involve running through a golf course. Eventually I found it and I'm so glad that I did because that area is fantastic for running. Hilly, but not as steep as Arthur's Seat. Some parts are open grassy areas (the bestest, bounciest kind of grass), and others are dirt/rock trails. Some parts even have trees! (Trees seem to be rare here...) It was magical. It was a sunny, crisp morning. There wasn't a cloud in the sky. I could see for miles from the top of the hill. My shins hurt for the first 15 minutes but were fine after that. After the run I did a brief ab workout. My abs are weak...

Week total: 22.5 (better...)
