Honour pricks me on.

Monday, 10.5
50 minutes (very) easy with the Haries. Probably about 5.5 miles. Ran out to the Blackford Hill area and on a nice trail/road by the stream. The weather was nice and crisp and we finished in twilight, which was lovely, but foretelling of the short days to come. Felt good.

Tuesday, 10.6
4x1000m at the Meadows, 90 seconds rest in between. My times were: 3:34, 3:44, 3:51, 3:48. Hannah was running consistent 3:30's; how I envy her consistency. I felt pretty terrible today, though. Everyone in my flat has been sick except for me... I think sickness is imminent. I feel slow. And it makes me sad. 4 miles today.

Wednesday, 10.7

Thursday, 10.8
~5 miles easy. I wasn't feeling up to desperately trying to cling on to Hannah and them again (I think they did hills?), so I opted into joining the jogger group for a trot about town.

Friday, 10.9
Treadmill! (fail.) Attempted a 5k tempo run on the treadmill but only made it to ~2.5k when my shins became unbearable. (I'm hoping this is just because I was running on a treadmill, or because I walked both to and from KB today?) 14km/hr-->~1.6 miles. Rode stationary bike for 30 minutes (Warm-up, 5 on 2 off x 4, average HR 175, but only had my HR monitored during the "on" parts). Some free weights and abs.

Saturday, 10.10
86 minutes, probably (I hope) 10 miles. Out to Blackford Pond, around that area and back, finishing with 25 minutes in the Meadows. Longest run in a while. I was definitely tired at the end. Also my hip felt uncomfortable after about an hour, as if it is moving unnaturally because one leg is longer than the other or something. Other than that and some chafing issues, this was a good run.

Sunday, 10.11
Around Arthur's Seat with Phoebe. ~5 miles. I was expecting this run to be pretty chill because my legs were dead from yesterday, but we were actually going at a pretty good pace, probably about 8:00/mile on a hilly route. Phoebe claims that she's "not a runner," but she is. She is. Bagels and coffee after. I love running dates! Makes me miss Clara though...

Week total: 31.1 miles (+ 12 miles stationary bike) Woot.
