You've got to learn to love the ebb just like the flow.

Monday, 10.12

Tuesday, 10.13
Off. I need to designate Tuesdays as off days because they suck.

Wednesday, 10.14
9.2 miles easy (80 minutes). Twice round Arthur's Seat. Shins hurt on the first lap, then were fine. Right hip/butt region felt uncomfortable on the second lap. On the way back everything was ok. The weather was nice and warm and the view of the city with the sun peaking through the clouds was pretty spectacular.

Thursday, 10.15
5 miles around Duddingston Loch. Didn't feel great, mainly butt pains.

Friday, 10.16
5.2 miles, Duddingston again but this time instead of out and back on the road ran out on the Innocent Railway cycle path and back on the road. 42 minutes. Right hip/butt mildly uncomfortable; shins fine. Felt fatigued.

Saturday, 10.17
Slept in--no race. Ran 8 miles (Duddingston+Arthur's Seat, stopping @ SE corner of Meadows). 66 minutes. Nothing hurt but I just wasn't feeling the whole running thing. Maybe it was too beautiful of a day...

Sunday, 10.18
83 minutes out in the Blackford area and back, stopping in the Meadows. We'll say it was 9.3 miles, since it felt a little faster than 9min/mile pace... I got a heart rate monitor! And used it. Average HR was 165.

Week total: 36.7 miles.
