I can break and take it with a smile.

Monday, 1.25
Off. Can't walk.

Tuesday, 1.26
15 minute warm-up, Kosmin test (970m, I think?= 5:53 1500m, but this doesn't really count considering the state of my legs), 10 minute cool down. 3.5 miles.

Wednesday, 1.27
Attempted last Friday's run, but ended up walking a lot towards the end because of leg pain/fatigue/I don't really know. Total running time was 30 minutes. 3.3 miles.

Thursday, 1.28
40 minute warm up + 4 Garfield loop tempo (15:09 I think...? Definitely between 15:05 and 15:10) + 25 minute cool-down. Glute pain but not so much on the grass. Like, most of the warm-up was barefoot on the South Field, and it was good. But running to Garfield and back was bad news. 9 miles today.

Friday, 1.29
4 miles. 40 minutes. Super easy w/ Mahati. We stretched a few times, which I think was good.

Saturday, 1.30
Patrician w/ Susan, Ryan, Megumi, Kamalah, and Michelle. 9.3 miles, 83 minutes. Took the Patrician Way part easy, the rest moderate. All in all, a pleasant run, followed by delicious apple walnut oatmeal at Corner Bakery. And Henry! 29.1 so far... bike! or short/easy tomorrow.

Sunday, 1.31
Off. Work work work.

Week total: 29.1
