I smell meat.

Week 1 of track; Week 1 of vegandom.

Monday, 1.4
Lacy Long plus a jog back to Lloyd after light core and lifting. That's a lot of L's. The run felt pretty miserable, to be honest, but I sped up a bit after Clara reminded me of the (my) speed-up-when-you-feel-like-shit-because-it-will-be-over-sooner theory. So Clara and I kind of ran fast for the last mile. And by fast I mean probably an 8-minute mile. 'Fast' is a relative term. 4.4 miles (plus 3 pseudolaps warm-up=~5 miles). Smelled smoked meat on Arden, chicken broth on Virginia.

Tuesday, 1.5
46 minutes [on the south field grass (barefoot) and commuting to and fro (not barefoot)]. Probably ~5 miles. Felt good, aside from my dinner creeping up a bit. I realized today that the Carlsbad Half is 2 weeks from Sunday. Heh...

Wednesday, 1.6
With Clara, Rosemead: 6.6 miles. I thought it was longer. I stopped my watch (and failed to restart it) at San Gabriel and California, 4.7 miles in 41 minutes. The first half was pleasant and rather brisk, while the second was unpleasant and much less brisk. Abs with the team and a couple things in the weight room. Oh yeah, I smelled beans and weenies on California. 7 with warm-up.

Thursday, 1.7
To Lacy, 16 striders, back from Lacy. ~4 miles. Really sore, so took the striders pretty easy.

Friday, 1.8
4.7 miles. 42 minutes. In the a.m. with Masha and Clara. Meh.

Saturday, 1.9
Off. Tried out this bike at Flying Pigeon, and fell in love a little bit. But I must be thrifty. Drove to San Diego for Perrin's sister's gymnastics competition. I think I irritated one of my right gluteus muscles messing around on the beach in La Jolla.

Sunday, 1.10
Garfield and back. Walked a lot (due to lightheadedness and soreness, mild to moderate glute pain), so I'll call this one 4.

Week total: 29.7 miles.
