Must cultivate garden.

Sick, sore, and some pretty uncomfortable glute pain. Need to strengthen that thing, and do my IT band regimen.

Monday, 1.11

Off. Sick.

Tuesday, 1.12
Off. Sick.

Wednesday, 1.13
Huntington backwards. 4.8 miles. 42 minutes. Ran this one on my own, because I was running late and had to heat the IT band/glute. Still not feeling 100%, but was kept going by the prospect of catching up to Sachith and Garrett, whose silhouettes I saw in the distance on the Huntington/Sierra Madre medians.

Thursday, 1.14
To Garfield for a 3-lap tempo: 3:44, 7:33, 11:18 (that's a little over 800m/lap, I believe). I ran the tempo with Perrin, and I think we did pretty well. 5 seconds slower on the second lap, but coming back to the original pace on the third. I think if I weren't sick I could have done that semi-comfortably at a 3:40/lap pace (I think last year I was between 3:30 and 3:35 for this workout... for 4 laps.) Sylvia kicked ass on this one, but she needs to get over her fear of passing the guys. Took the long way back with Clara and Perrin (Farmers Market + Great Harvest grand opening party w/ delicious bread, etc. samples). 8.1 miles.

Friday, 1.15
Freedom Friday! Lacy (extra) long, with Clara, Sylvia, and Masha. In my desperation to be in shape, I think I went out too speedily, and barely managed to cling onto the group toward the end. 4.7 miles, 38.5 minutes. 5.7 miles today, with warm-up.

Saturday, 1.16
Off. Slept a lot... feeling good. Like, unsick. And almost unsore.

Sunday, 1.17
Got sum dim sum with the groupies of Flying Pigeon LA. With Heather Weather, biked from campus to the shop in Highland Park, then took the gold line to Mission with the group and biked from there to a dim sum place in Monterey Park (Elite Restaurant). After dim sum and coffee at a nearby French bakery, we rode to the East LA Civic Center gold line stop, and Heather and I took the gold line back to Pasadena. Today was pretty much an off day, with only ~15 miles of leisurely (and often downhill) riding, but I'm logging it anyway.

Week total:
18.6 miles + (15)


  1. I was kind of dropping off repeated on Friday. I think we'd both surge a little bit at times near the end though, remembering the sage words of your past self. And remember to do your IT band exercises!


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