I guess I'll run this half marathon.

Monday, 1.18
South Pas Water Tower loop, 8.3 miles, 67.5 minutes, with Masha. Sooooo wet. The view of the storm from the water tower was pretty cool, though. We both kept complaining about our legs being dead, but despite that, I feel like we ran quite briskly.

Tuesday, 1.19 - Thursday 1.21
Off. I should work on time management.

Friday, 1.22
From the gym, San Pasqual-->San Gabriel-->Lombardy, 4.3 miles, with the team (coed for a change). 38 minutes I think. Butt hurt a lot. I really need to start heating and stretching and strengthening more. An extremely inefficient ab workout followed (coed once more), then I did a bit of lifting.

Saturday, 1.23
Off. Sore sore sore from lifting...?

Sunday, 1.24
Carlsbad Half with Clara. 13.1.
Finish: 1:46:45 Pace: 8:09/mi (Second half pace 8:11/mi)
Hmm... not bad for being grossly out of shape?

Week total: 25.7 miles


  1. Ahhh. Should have run. :/ Eh well, there is always tomorrow, I suppose.

  2. good luck tomorrow stephanie! don't hurt yourself

  3. Hey that's pretty good :) Now just promise it won't get any worse than not walking the day after.

  4. that's not bad at all!! out of shape... pshh. well done! :)


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