I learn to get by on little victories.

Monday, 3.29
Lorain. 6.18 miles. 50:20. Started out pretty chill with the team, then picked it up to tempo pace up to about 30:00, then chilled out coming back. My legs felt pretty OK, but the butt was a little sore (from the trails Saturday and Sunday?) I baked on Virginia. Abs, weights, and medicine ball after. (Today w/ warm up = 6.5 miles)

Tuesday, 3.30
3x1500 in (800+400+300) segments.
Round 1: 3:14 + 91 + 61
Round 2: 3:33 + 90 + 66
Round 3: 3:29 + 91 + 65
Legs felt terrible terrible terrible (tight/tired from yesterday). I recall enjoying this workout last year. Times change... 5 miles today w/ warm-up, cool-down.

Wednesday, 3.31
San Pasqual-->Sierra Madre-->Lombardy-->barefoot on South Field with C. Eng. Barely moving. 40 minutes. ~4 miles. Oh and striders I think. 6 of them. 4.3 miles today?

Thursday, 4.1
15 mile run: SUPER PATRICIAN at 6:56/mile pace.

April Fools! I actually just did (2 on, 1 off)x 5 on the North Field, with 5 minutes of warm-up and 1 minute of cool-down. My right hamstring was really tight and uncomfortable. 2.3 miles today?

Friday, 4.2
Prerace. To Sierra Madre and back on Lombardy. 6 striders and abs, I think. 3.3 today.

Saturday, 4.3
SCIAC 4-way at Redlands
1500m: 5:29.15
5000m: 21:05.07
I'm pretty sure they gave me the wrong time in the 1500. Because I thought I passed the clock at about 5:26 and Scott had me down as 5:25, but I don't really care. I think all of our legs were pretty dead from this week. Probably about 8 miles today, with all the warming up and cooling down.

Sunday, 4.6
Off, other than biking around town.

Week total: 29.4 miles.


  1. hah! I totally fell for the April fools, and was going to scroll down to the comment box to write a hearty "daammnnn gurrrl"... and then I scrolled down =P.


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